歌曲歌词大全网收录“pray歌词 贾斯汀比伯”,歌曲歌词或悠扬,或悲伤,歌曲歌词来源于生活又高于生活,歌手通过歌曲告诉大家生活的道理,希望大家在享受音乐的同时有所收获,下面一起来欣赏下由贾斯汀比伯演唱的pray歌词吧。


《Pray》这首歌是17岁少年偶像Justin Bieber的第一首公益歌曲。这首歌被收录到他的不插电专辑《My Worlds Acoustic》中。也是《My Worlds Acoustic》专辑中唯一的新歌。这张专辑和以往专辑的不同之处:”Acoustic”在这里指非电声乐器,即本专辑所有的歌曲,不管是新歌还是旧歌,都是全新配乐的。

pray歌词 贾斯汀比伯-风君歌曲歌词大全网


I just can’t sleep tonight

knowing that things ain’t right

It’s in the papers

It’s on the TV

It’s everywhere that I go

Children are crying

Soldiers are dying

Some people don’t have a home

But I know there’s a sunshine behind that rain

I know there’s good times behind that pain


Can you tell me how I can make a change

I close my eyes,and I can see a better day

I close my eyes,and pray

I close my eyes,and I can see a better day

I close my eyes,and pray

I lose my appetite

Knowing kids starve tonight

Am I a sinner

Cause half my dinner is still on my plate

Oohh I got a vision to make a difference

And it’s starting today

Cause I know there’s sunshine behind that rain

I know there’s good times behind that pain

Haven tell me I can make a change

I close my eyes,and I can see a better day

I close my eyes,and pray

I close my eyes,and I can see a better day

I close my eyes and

I pray for the broken hearted

I pray for the life not started

I pray for all the ones not breathing

I pray for all the souls in need,I pray

Can you give ’em one a day

I just can’t sleep tonight

Can someone tell me how to make a change?

I close my eyes,and I can see a better day

I close my eyes,and pray

I close my eyes,and I can see a better day

I close my eyes,and

I pray

I pray

I pray

I close my eyes and pray


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